Discovering Rules

touching great; advice – hearing: values act… alive!  gathering, large reasons; applying: support
spirit, persuasion; recording: satisfactory – deeds!  superb – happy!  bodies, agreeing containing
final engagements; secreted endorphins, normally sedated?  insights… blatant lies: exposed!


Poem by Nicole Beaver on 24 MAR 2017
Photographed, digitally edited, and uploaded by Jason Beaver
*Saved at 2160 x 2160 Resolution

Transparent Commemoration

like – respect… feelings; personal, emotional, takes – understanding… earnestly seen
answering; resistant hardships, using kindness… fight: regular lawless, inclinations; choose
chronic, mutual assumptions… actual relationships!  mastering interesting; nice daydreams
beautiful memory… officiating encouragement!  expanded living!  effectively knowing
higher… reflections!  hovering home?  insinuating positions – upwards… illuminated whole
vital treasures!  richly ample; discourses go… right – paramount!


Poem by Nicole Beaver on 20 MAR 2017
Photographed, digitally edited, and uploaded by Jason Beaver
*Saved at 2160 x 2160 Resolution