Fabulous Forms

features… fearlessly, future? failure furnishes – fundamental flops; flips follow; forgiveness
fluid feelings – forget! fronts flare? findings fizzle… freedom ferments! forlorn frowns
feebly fuss! fascinating freebies? fancy ferraries, futile flirts? facts fib? folding fuzz? fill


Poem by Nicole Beaver on 24 APR 2017
Photographed, digitally edited, and uploaded by Jason Beaver
*Saved at 2667 x 2160 Resolution

Carnival Convulsions

showcasing events; extravagance knocked: relativity blocked! tolerance matured?
considerations conveyed… pretenses mentioned – over again! ugh! inconsistencies inadequate
deplorable negotiations! invigorated mentions; field definitions? forgotten fridays… share


Poem by Nicole Beaver on 24 APR 2017
Photographed, digitally edited, and uploaded by Jason Beaver
*Saved at 2687 x 2160 Resolution