Commence With Lying


slowly dancing to a tune, swirling around a saloon, stopping for handshake, utterly displayed
open for all – seeing the kindness with it; harnessing the rope, atop the slop, never mope
finding a new angle; eloping without proper scoping… damn scorpions – biting!

Painting by Nicole Beaver on 18 AUG 2015

Photographed, digitally edited, and uploaded by Jason Beaver

Yet to Freely Fall

complex issues; needing tissues? wishing – with you? tears
major fears; comments: galore! hesitation’s near; follow? lead?
between – keen… score! horrific ideas – taught? vapor – ‘tis
thin! next door; busy business – listening, friend? launching
facts – forget, forget

Poem by Nicole Beaver: 4-28-17