Grace Fulfilled


peace tv, score roar, honey sit, push sushi, fan turning, origami spaces, fling polo
ravioli, stun tag – hat, no: shrub, pipe, solo truck; sanka, gray lull
panda guru; going hush, kinda run, add, window aroma; hi, put up aura
trait, magi mate, pronoun first; equal, sickly, barf onto fear, peal di, scarf more
embrace calm, crib near banana, mic tare; fluff hair, recipe done: send to mom, santa
hun; land dj halo, sunday – fun, take suv, snipe cover, passing
mini vav, see; nu clap

Painting by Nicole Beaver on 06 SEP 2015
Poem by Nicole Beaver updated on 07 SEP 2015

Photographed, digitally edited, and uploaded by Jason Beaver